Friday, 16 December 2016

end of year reflection

The big day out

The big day is when we all go on a fun day this year we  went to the movies,the pool and the new recreation center.
The movie

The movie we went and watched was petes dragon and I really liked it because it was lots of different feelings to it .

The recreation center. 

The recreation center was very fun and we won every game but one. There was four rotations The first one we did was basket ball then we did badminton. Badminton was very hard to do because it was very hard to hit the thing with a small racket. for cricket we had to get as many points as we can.


 For swimming I was with Bodie and we went in the pool and he was on my shoulders and then we went on the The hydro slide.
This is my prep statement  that how I like prep, what I brought  and what roll I played.

on anzac We went to dixon  pare

Dear Mum and Dad

I hope that you are both ok. I am missing home and hoping that the war will be over soon so I can return.
War in Gallipoli is so fierce. Bullets are flying all day. One of the soldiers in my unit just got hit. I ran over to him and we wrapped up his leg to try and stop it from bleeding. We got him to a medic back at the camp. He was taken to surgery straight away but sadly he did not make it.
I have not been hit yet  but there has been a few close calls.  The frontline is getting closer each day.
Thank you for sending the package from home with the biscuits in it and the letters from all of my friends and family. I really look forward to getting mail it helps me get through the days here.
I miss you all and look forward to hearing from you again soon.

I love you

Your son

This is my Anzac writing that I did this week.  This is the letter home that I would do if I was in war.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Numracy T4W8 reflection

This week for numeracy we did some Christmas activity's This was a very easy activity to do. Maybe next time I could make it a bit harder to do.

Writing T4W8 reflection

This week we had to do some own writing I chose to do my writing on motocross riders did lots of writing in a short a mount of time. Here is my writing. 

Chad read Is one of the best super cross riders in the  world he has two kids and they both ride dirt bikes as well Chad reed  has a big house in america and he has his own super cross track in his backyard. Chad read rides for Honda and the bike he rides on is a crf 450r 2017 edition. The reason he rides the 2017 edition bike is because it is fuel injected and He has his bike rebuilt  after every race he rides in.

James Stewart is a professional super cross racer. He rides on his compound for one hour each day He has a brother called baba that rides with him  each day at his compound.  James Stewart is the best  super cross rider in the world he rides all over america and England with his brother and  his family. James Stewart Rides a rmz 450